Monday, December 15, 2008

At Last

I've been killing myself over the smallest things I have no control of, life is hard. If it was easy it wouldn't be reality, everyday you are faced with different obstacles whether you realize it or not.

"I tell God everyday to give me nothing easy and I live by that..."

I see myself as becoming stronger by the day. I use to think that the worse was always occurring to me but I am not to complain anymore. The worst may happen but I don't care anymore I'm done thinking about how much pain I'm feeling and how much each person has hurt me. I'm living for myself and no one else, I am currently not happy with the way things have turned out but one way or another I brought it upon myself, and I've realized that and learned from it. I'm not going to sit around waiting for something great to happen to me, the day belongs to you and its in your hands to make everyday either a good day or a bad day. What I feel now is not really a form of happiness YET, but I have come in recognition of myself and who I must become. I can't point fingers anymore because its no ones fault but mine. You can't depend on others to make you happy because when they're gone what's left? At this point in my life I care about what's important, no one needs to know what or who that is but me as long as I am not lying to myself....

"You have to embrace the Struggles of life and be a better person. Whether its 5 men beside me and 100 men against me, what gives me strength in hard times is that I have the gift of life and every morning i have a choice to make my day a good one or a bad one"

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