Thursday, July 23, 2009


The scent of warm vanilla on your skin
The smile that seems like it almost snuck up on you
Your fascination with nail polish and shoes
Your baby voice... it always made me give in
The warmth of your body
Your gentle touch...
The way you looked into my eyes
Your lips.. the way they felt against mine
Your fingers running through my hair as I laid on your stomach...
Watching you eat
Having you in my arms
Play fighting... and never letting you win
Our endless walks.... because we always got lost
Falling asleep to your voice
Waking up to your voice
Arguing with you, then making up because you're such a punk
That beautiful smile
The way you laugh...
Getting a call from you in the middle of the night
Calling you just to tell you how much I miss you
You digging in my dimple
The way you tried to pick my nose
Endless conversations about the most random things
Telling you how much I love you...

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