Sunday, July 5, 2009

Nature vs. Nurture

I've heard someone say that when a child is born if they are not hugged and kissed, held tight or even sang to, the child grows up not knowing how to love....

I know a few people who long for love and it's because they feel so neglected by the person or people who are suppose to love them unconditionally; their parents. I find it hard to understand how a mother can not show her child that she loves them. Especially knowing that their child depends on them on almost everything. That's where love starts. The love you are shown is the exact love you present to people. I think about my mother often and I try and think back to how she use to treat me as a child or even as I was in junior high school and I really don't remember. I try hard sometimes to think of times when she showed me true affection but not much comes to mind. The only thing I remember is how she treats me now, what she says and does. Most importantly the amount of care she shows for her husband. I had a rough upbringing and it made me a strong person. So the fact that my mother shows me no type of love really does not phase me anymore. She has put me through hell this year from having no place to sleep to blaming me for every little money problem she has. So when she says things like you put your friends before family they're not going to do anything for you, I pay no mind because she puts her husband before me so she is no different from me. My father put himself before any of us. He never really cared about how his children would be affected by his drinking, or his violent ways. Now that my mother has left him, he needs us. Its funny how life works. Every time I speak to him he reminds me of how much he loves me, now he loves me. Is that how love works? When someone is not around anymore you remember that you love them... My parents showed me love. Maybe tough love. They showed me love in the worst ways because now I can't say I love them. I can't say I love you to them because I don't mean it....Nurture

She tells me "that's my pride and joy." I can tell by the look in her eyes that she loves her daughter with all her heart. She looks out for her daughter, never wanting her to be taken advantage of, never wanting her to feel pain. Through it all she loves her daughter more and more everyday. There is nothing that she would not do for her. Every chance she gets she tells her that she loves her and that she is proud of her no matter what happens she never fails on being the shoulder to cry on and her rock. I smile, it gives me hope. I've been around these two people so much, they have taught me about love without saying one word to me about it.... The love of a mother

The display of love on myspace, in away messages, the stories people tell... Is it really love? Not everything is material, physical or sexual. When I hear people my age speak of love it all seems very selfish to me. They buy their boyfriend or girlfriend something and they tell everyone about it and feel good about themselves. That is what their love consist of and it's a little sickening. Love should not hold any price. These people who claim they are in love often speak of how the other makes them feel and what that person does for them and that is what they call love. The sexual acts that each perform for each other the fact that they even have sex is what they call love. To them the fact that the other makes them feel good about themselves is love to them. They use the word love for every new person they let into their life.. it makes you really wonder what is love? The attention that one person gives you, the excitement of a couple of weeks. What happens when all the excitement is gone, is there still going to be love? Or is it time to find a new love. Maybe its all the same... the minds of immaturity

I see all this and just question myself about who I have said I love you to. I say I love you to some of my friends. Often to those who need to be loved. I don't know if it's wrong but I say it because they deserved to be loved for who they are and I love who they are as people. Everyone has something to offer to the world whether they realize it or not. All those friends that I have told I will always be there by there side no matter what I have been there for. The best thing anyone can offer is love for another not for themselves. I put my own troubles aside and am there for any of my friends. Even if my mother is right and they won't ever be there for me I really don't care. I know that everyone needs someone from time to time and I offer my love as a friend and am there for them. One of the best thing to experience in life is the love shared between friends, someone that is not family. You never know how your words can impact another persons life, the fact that you care for someone else might be the only thing they need to get by or change their way of thinking. And when I have fallen in love I fell in love with the person within, who they are through the good and bad. Regardless of the flaws each may claim to have I look past them, and give them the best love I can give because that is what they deserve.... outcome of Nature

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